History of the Conference of Young Demographers

Established in 2009 as a small one day event for Czech (and Slovak) PhD students, it has grown in its size and popularity. Visit our history and join us in the upcoming years to create the future of demography ;)

2009: 1st Demographic Conference of Ph.D. Students of Demography: Future Demographic Development and Demographic Forecasts in Practice

2010: 2nd Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers”

2011: 3rd Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers”

2013: 4th Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers”, programme, photos

2014: 5th Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers”

2015: 6th Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers”, photos

2016: 7th Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers”, photos

2017: 8th Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers”, photos

2018: 9th Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers”

2019: 10th Demographic conference of “Young Demographers” and the Day for the Young Historical Demographers, programme, book of abstracts, photos, book: “New Generations in Demography, report (in czech)

2020: 11th Demographic Conference of “Young Demographers”, programme, book of abstracts, report

february 2021: 11.5th Conferece of Young Demographers, programme, book of abstracts, report, Ilya’s very informative Twitter thread, VIDEOS

june 2021: 12th Conference of Young Demographers, programme, book of abstracts, posters

february 2022: 13th Conference of Young Demographers, programme, book of abstracts, posters, Ilya’s informative twitter thread, Anna’s thread on posters, photos, Keynote lecture by Mariona, Keynote lecture by José Manuel, report

february 2023: 14th Conference of Young Demographers, programme & book of abstracts, posters, report, článek v UK Forum (article in Charles University Magazine UK Forum & Photos), Anna’s Twitter thread report

february 2024: 15th Conference of Young Demographers, programme, book of abstracts, posters




Ode to Demography