
Time to time we are ask to share some other opportunities with Young Demographers. We find it important to do that, since it is always great to remind that our ideas are great and our papers can be competitive to experienced scientists.

PhD and Postdoc positions at Vienna Institute of Demography

The Research Group Demography of Austria, headed by Isabella Buber-Ennser, offers:

1 PostDoc Position, application deadline: January 15, 2025 (the positions will remain open until filled)

The Research Group on Population Data and Projections, headed by Anne Goujon, offers:

1 PhD Student Positions, application deadline: January 31, 2025 (the positions will remain open until filled)

Let us know about your event.

Inspirative demographic (art)work

And time to time we are also ask to share some other interesting and inspirational things. We think that demography is not just some scientific field, but it could be much more – fun, cognition, art and much more.

(Tak trochu jiná) doporučená demografická literatura

Note: Unfortunately, this poetry collection named “(A slightly different) recommended demographic literature” was written in Czech and there is no English translation (yet!).

Básnická sbírka plná inspirativních básní a jiných životních mouder s čistě demografickou tématikou. Najdete v ní zrýmované postupy konstrukce demografických ukazatelů, demografické variace klasické poezie a mnoho dalšího. Ve formátu pdf ji můžete otevřít a stáhnout zde.

Do you have any other opportunity or interesting work for share with YD audience? Send it to us and we will share it!

jitka.slaba at natur.cuni.cz
anna.altova at natur.cuni.cz
katerina.brazova at natur.cuni.cz